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What is hemodialysis done for?

  • Hemodialysis is currently the most frequently used treatment method in end-stage renal failure. 72% of the patients in our countryHe lives on hemodialysis.

  • Hemodialysis is carried out in dialysis centres, by people who have received training on this subject.It is applied by physicians and nurses. Morning, noon and Session options starting in the evening are available. Usually per week It is applied 3 times and in 4-hour sessions.

How does a hemodialysis machine work?

  •  Today, hemodialysis machines are advanced computer-equipped devices that perform many functions automatically.


  • This machine takes blood from the intravenous line with a blood pump, passes it through the filter, and returns the cleaned blood back to the patient through the vein.


  •  As the invisible face of this system, there is a water system that prepares the water to be used during dialysis and carries it to the device. Approximately 120 liters of distilled water is used in each session for the hemodialysis process.

What are the advantages of hemodialysis?

  • Your responsibility for your treatment is limited. treatment and
    Your follow-up is the responsibility of the dialysis team.


  • You will have a social environment in the dialysis center. in the center
    Your association with patients who are being treated for the same diseaseIt will boost your morale and make your compliance with treatment easier.

Dialysis center  why?

  •  They are health institutions established to provide hemodialysis treatment. Just In addition to centers that perform hemodialysis, there are also centers that operate as a unit within the hospital.


  •  Hemodialysis process in dialysis centers is carried out by dialysis nurses or technicians under the control of the dialysis physician and the responsible specialist physician.carried out by.


  •  You have the right to choose the dialysis center. When choosing a dialysis center, you should consider its proximity to your home.


Home hemodialysis  why?

  • In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the "Home Hemodialysis" option, in which hemodialysis treatment is performed at home by yourself or your relative.


  •  In order to perform home hemodialysis, you or your relative must:

It is necessary to receive training on the subject at the dialysis center.


  • If you are successful, you can bring a dialysis machine or dialysis machine to your home.
    It will be installed by your center. Your monthly analysis and
    Your Nephrology Specialist follow-up will be carried out by the dialysis center will be carried out.

Your arrival from your home to the center

  • Service vehicles pick you up from your home and take you to the dialysis center.

will bring.

  • It is recommended that you eat something light at home before dialysis.

  • Be ready when the service arrives. Necessary items to take with you

your belongings (wallet, pajamas, books, computer, etc.) into your bag.

  •  Comfortable clothes that will not squeeze your arm during dialysis

you should wear it.

  • Be careful not to fall when going down the stairs and getting on the bus.


Preparations for the hemodialysis session

  • Keep your belongings that you do not need for dialysis in the locker room.

put it in your closet. Wear comfortable clothes for dialysis.

  • Weigh yourself after your registration.

  • Wash your arm with fistula thoroughly with soap before entering the dialysis room.

Wash and dry.

  • Enter the living room and go to bed. To be taken to dialysis

Wait for your dialysis nurse for your turn.

Hemodialysis begins

  • Your nurse will prepare the necessary machines and materials.

  • Afterwards, we will check your fistula and decide on the injection sites.

will give.

  • The areas where the injection will be applied will be cleaned with antiseptic solution.

  • You will be given injections and a blood thinning medication (heparin) will be administered.

During hemodialysis

  • You can watch television, use your computer, or read magazines or books during hemodialysis treatment.

  •  Your pulse rate and blood pressure will be monitored intermittently by your nurse.

  • Your findings will be checked and monitored by your doctor.

  • If you have medications to be administered during dialysis (blood-forming drugs, antibiotics, etc.) Your nurse will apply these to you.

  • If you feel unwell, tell your nurse.

Exit from hemodialysis

  • When your session is over, your dialysis nurse will remove the needles and apply pressure for a while to stop the bleeding. Your nurse may ask you to apply pressure for a while longer. After the bleeding stops, the injection A patch will be applied in their place.

  • Before leaving the hall, your blood pressure will be measured one last time and 
    You will be weighed. Do not rush to leave the hall. If you feel dizzy, you should rest in the hall for a while.

  • Put on your clothes and grab your belongings in the dressing room.

  • Wait in the waiting room for the shuttle driver to pick you up.


return to your home

  • Your shuttle will drop you off at your home.

  • It is recommended that you rest at home for 1-2 hours.

  • Remove the tapes from your arms.

  • Check the operation of your fistula.

  • Wash your arm and apply care cream.

Kiss. Dr. Mesut Kösem

RemainMedical and Vascular Surgery Specialist

Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital

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The information contained on this site is for patient education purposes. Be sure to consult your doctor for your treatment. 

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